800 Lake Canyon Ave Galt, CA 95632
(209) 744-5200
General PTA meeting Minutes
September 9, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 2:50 p.m.
Persons present were
Michael M., Fred S., Val S., Stefani K., Andrew C.,
Evelyn K., Patricia G., Tammy P., Heidi R., Brandi B.,
Carey D., Judi H., Casey D., Isabel O., Julie J., Alison
C., Marlene P., Stacey C., Colleen W.
Secretary’s Report (C. Wilson) – Review of last Mays minutes Motion to approve by Julie
J.; seconded by Heidi R.; all approved
Treasurer’s Report - A. Crawford – Color Run Funds and the Dance A Thon were mainly what went
out since our last meeting. Raley’s brought
in a few dollars. Spread sheet not
available this month but will be next month.
We have $12, 800 and some change.
New Budget- $10, 900 for the events for this year, we need to do some
fundraisers to keep the bank balance at $10,000 to not be charged money. Motioned by Julie J.; seconded by Tammy
P.; all approved
Membership Report (T. Partridge, B. Boyd) – 89 members and growing
Fundraising Committee (J.Jennings & H. Reuthinger) During summer we started Shoparoo to raise money. The money is raised from August - July and paid out in August. Fall Fundraiser ZBest Books went out this
Monday. We can’t have the Poinsettia
sales this year so we are looking at wreaths.
The purpose for the 2014-2015 school year fundraisers is to raise money
for our PTA events. We will start box
tops again this year and labels for education.
Class winner for Box tops and Labels for education we will need a
maximum $175 for the year. Motion to
approve by Val S.; seconded Brandi B.; all approved
Events Proposal- There
is a binder for events that we would
like to host this year. We need
volunteers to sign up for an event they are interested in chairing or helping
out with. Our first event with be with
Donuts with Dads co-chaired by Brandi B. and Marlene P.. They will need a budget not to exceed $300
motion to approve by Heidi R.; seconded by Val S.; all approved. If you are interested in looking over the
binder it will be out each PTA meeting and there will be Facebook posts,
information on the blog, and emails going to out members asking for anyone
interested in volunteering. We stress
that volunteering does NOT mean doing it by yourself. You will have HELPJ
October Anti-Bullying Proposal- The school is hosting an assembly discussing bullying in
October and PTA is helping with the month to raise awareness. We will purchase bracelets, make a pledge for
students to sign, present a friendship table, and paint the students pinky nail
blue in support of anti-bullying efforts.
We will need $300 from PTA and the school will match $300 to purchase
the merchandise. Motion to approve by
Patricia G.; Marlene P. seconded; all approved
Spelling Bee Club (E. Kessler)- Asking for not to exceed $200 for the prizes Time and
date will be announced although this is a fall club. Motion to approve by Julie J.; seconded
by Tammy P.; all approved
Grade Level Grants- $200
per each grade level 6th grade will use their money for Scholastic
Meeting was adjourned at 3:50
Minutes prepared by Colleen